The Board of Director’s prime responsibility is supervising the management of the bank’s affairs by providing effective corporate governance. On the other hand, the board aims to balance the interests of the bank’s diverse constituencies, including its shareholders, customers, employees and responsibility to the communities in which we operate. For actions commenced by our board of directors, they are expected to implement independent business judgment in what they reasonably believe to be in the best interests of Al Janoob Islamic bank. In discharging that compulsion, the directors may rely on the honesty and integrity of the bank’s senior management, outside advisors, and independent auditors.

Member Name  Independent and Non-independent  Primary and Reserve Members
            DR. Mazen Sabah Ahmed 
  Dennis Edward  Independent  Primary
Mazen sharif independent  Primary
Dr.Tareq Mohammad Khaleel Hammourl

 Independent Primary
Dr.Humam Radhi Rashid  Independent  Primary
  Kadhim Ali ABDULLAH
 Independent Primary
   Rand Ayad Mohammed  Independent  Reserve